It was tough, but I feel so much better now that I can be myself around them!” Scroll down for more tips, like how to ask someone on a date if you’re not sure of their sexuality. For example, you might say, “I came out to my parents last year. If you can’t tell by observing them, try bringing up topics related to LGBTQ issues and see how they react. For example, a woman who has a buzz cut or dresses in masculine clothing isn’t necessarily gay. Keep in mind that you can’t judge whether someone is gay by looking at things like their style of dress or voice. Kik groups are limited to 50 members at a time.
For example, they might say things that suggest that they’re attracted to people of the same gender, like, “Wow, he’s got great abs!” or “She looks so hot in that dress.” If they’re not open about their sexuality, they might avoid talking about their love life or use gender-neutral terms like “they” when describing their crushes or partners. Notice that next to the name of the group theres a number something like 47/50. It can be tricky to tell if someone is gay without asking them directly, but sometimes their behavior can give you clues.